
Tribute to Ms. Ritah Nansereko

July 6, 2021    By Humanitarian

To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die. – Thomas Campbell Please join us to mourn the passing of our dear friend and colleague, Ms Ritah Nansereko, who was a dedicated and passionate member of Uganda’s Civil Society fraternity. An accomplished Human Rights advocate, Ritah was the Executive Director […]

Local Humanitarian Actors urge Government to prioritize the Rights of Refugees

April 30, 2021    By Humanitarian

Today, Uganda is hosting more than 1.4 million refugees in various parts of the country, and the majority being hosted in the country’s poorest region. Uganda has been a haven for the refugees fleeing from DRC and South Sudan, even in the midst of a global crisis like COVID-19, the […]

World Humanitarian Day 2020 in Uganda

September 11, 2020    By Humanitarian

In Uganda, in a move to promote localization, the Charter for Change working group conducted a series of interrelated activities in what is popularly known as the “Humanitarian Week. This was to majorly amplify the discussion on localization into the public domain and bring to the attention of INGOs, UN […]

COVID-19 Response in Rhino Camp Refugee Settlement

April 28, 2020    By Humanitarian

Uganda is currently home to more than 1,310,000 refugees, of whom approximately 835,000 come from South Sudan, 365,000 from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and the remainder from other countries. The Rhino Camp Refugee Settlement divided into six zones between of  Ocea, Siripi, Eden, Tika, Odubu, and Ofua hosts an […]

The power of Advocacy and Documentation: how far can we go?

November 17, 2019    By Humanitarian

Despite investing more than a decade and millions of dollars in capacity building, governments and other humanitarian actors still face significant capacity challenges in order to effectively manage humanitarian response. key among these challenges include the short-term, ad-hoc and disconnected nature of the training agenda, aggravated by lack of a […]

Consolidated Efforts Need “the Will” – African Regional Conference on Localization of Aid

November 14, 2019    By Humanitarian

In the recent past, there has been growing recognition for the need to empower local communities and organizations to effectively respond to humanitarian needs. Nevertheless, significant portions of humanitarian financing remains channeled to International NGOs leaving local communities and organizations inadequately funded. Despite commitments to reinforce local and national capacities, […]

The Humanitarian Platform Strategic Planning Retreat

November 14, 2019    By Humanitarian

Botanical Beach Hotel, Entebbe 4th -7th March 2019 Draft report Background Fifty National, Local and International Organizations in Uganda representing various civil society institutions, met at Bomah Hotel in Gulu District on 7th – 8th June 2017, to discuss issues and concerns relating to the role of Local and National CSOs in […]

Uganda launches the Refugee Response Plan 2019/2020

November 14, 2019    By Humanitarian

“Every NGO implementing humanitarian work in the settlements must factor environmental protection in your interventions”, Hon Musa Ecweru delivering a presidential directive On 28th May 2019, over 200 humanitarian actors including government officials, development partners, UN agencies, various Diplomats, non-government organization, refugees gathered at the Office of the Prime Minister Conference […]