Patongo Counseling Community Outreach (PCCO)

  • Add: Patongo Town Council, Pece Cell, OPP. Akwee Primary School, Plot 5, Gulu- Moroto Road
  • Tel:
  • Fax:
  • Email:
  • Web:

Patongo Counseling Community Outreach (PCCO)


Health, HIV/AIDS program, Mental Health program, Adolescents Sexual Reproductive Health Education Program (ASRHE), WASH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene promotion program), Humanitarian Programming, Design and Deliver in Humanitarian Preparedness and Response (Set of Coordinated actions/activities planned to address humanitarian situation in emergencies), Livelihood and Food Security, VSLA (Village Saving and Loan Association), IGAs (Income generating Activities with different groups), Commercial and Slow food Farming/Kitchen Gardening, Environmental Management, Environmental awareness creation and Education, Tree planting, Energy conservation, Biodiversity and nature conservation, Advocacy/Awareness Raising, Community Dialogues, Health Talks, Radio Talk shows, Drama, Music & Dance, Capacity Building (Training), Training vulnerable individuals (people with disabilities, survivors of domestic violence, elderly persons, clan and religious leaders, children and youth) in basic trauma counseling and all other areas of development, Training out of school and in school youths in sexual reproductive health, Training in Income Generating Activities, business skills and management, entrepreneurship skills, VSLA among others, Training on Mental Health and Epilepsy, Training on humanitarian preparedness and response, Training on Human Rights, Gender, and SGBV, and women empowerment.