• Add: Plot1013, Ndagire Road, Opposite Sky Hotel Naalya
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RESILIENCE: The main focus is on community-based disaster risk reduction (DRR) interventions to enhance local capacity to protect livelihood assets and increase the use of indigenous knowledge for early warning communication systems for preparedness and response—expanded business opportunities to cope with post-disaster stress.

FOOD SECURITY AND LIVELIHOOD: The main focus is on increasing year-round climate-smart production of high-value crops like vegetables and horticultural crops to enhance income for rural and urban poor women. Emphasis shall be placed on value chain and market analysis of both agro-based and other alternative livelihood opportunities.

NUTRITION AND COMMUNITY HEALTH SYSTEMS: The main focus is on strengthening community health systems for surveillance, prevention, and integrated case management of common preventable diseases, including non-communicable diseases. Special focus is on maternal and child nutrition to address chronic malnutrition (i.e., stunting) and nutrition education in schools.

CLIMATE CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEM RESTORATION: The main focus is to create awareness of Climate Change Adaptations and promote sustainable land use and environmental management, including wetland protection.

CAPACITY BUILDING: The main focus is entrepreneurship skills for youths out of school, financial literacy for women and youth saving groups, and girls’ empowerment. Also, capacity building for local charity organizations like CBOs/FBOs and district local governments on proposal development, strategic planning, project management, and accountability, among others.

RESEARCH AND INNOVATION: The main focus is evidence gathering through assessments, surveys, and studies, and using technology applications to address common challenges in humanitarian and development programming and implementation.

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