HPLNOU Funding & Funds Management
The host institution for the Platform is the ‘fiscal sponsor’. The host organization ensures that there is a transparent and open system of financial management. Quarterly financial and activity reports are often prepared by the secretariat to showcase impact; and remain open to whoever requests the information.
The Steering Committee plays an oversight role to review and approve all reports by the secretariat. The platform will mainly support its activities by mobilizing resources from different organisations or agencies within its membership and other stakeholders including the private sector, government, development partners, and international agencies.
- International Donors: These are often governments of other countries, international NGOs, and intergovernmental organizations like the United Nations, which provide funds to support humanitarian activities in different regions.
- Grants: HPLNOU may apply for and receive grants from various foundations and funding bodies dedicated to humanitarian aid, capacity building, and disaster response.
- Partnerships: Collaborating with other organizations, both local and international, can bring in funding. These partnerships might include joint projects and funding agreements.
- Private Sector: Donations and corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives from businesses and private sector entities can also be a source of funding.
- Fundraising Campaigns: HPLNOU may organize fundraising campaigns and events to raise money from the general public and private donors.
- Membership Fees: If the platform operates a membership model, the fees from member organizations can contribute to its funding.
- Government Support: The Ugandan government or its agencies might provide funding, especially for activities aligned with national priorities and disaster response strategies.
- International Aid Agencies: Organizations like USAID, DFID, and others often fund local initiatives through competitive grant processes.

Support HPLNOU Today!
For further information on how you can partner with the Humanitarian Platform to fund our member organizations and institutions, please send us an email.
funding@humanitarianplatformuganda.org or call: +256 393 260 373